‘Zombie’ Nativity Scene Upsets Ohio Residents

An Ohio homeowner was ordered by town officials to remove a Nativity scene in front of his house that featured zombies instead of wise men and a baby Jesus.
“I wanted a Nativity and I worked with what I had,” Jasen Dixon, who manages a nearby haunted house, told Fox 19. “The neighbors don’t like it. My father hates it and anything bad that happens he blames it on that.”
The Nativity scene features life-size figures and a zombie baby Jesus, with pale skin and pure white eyes. At night, the figures are illuminated by red and green lights.
“I didn’t really pay it any attention until the different color lights came on, then finally the baby was put in the manger,” Dan Fluker, a neighbor, told the station.
According to documents obtained by Fox 19, Sycamore Township, which is outside Cincinnati, does not allow structures to be located in the front or the side yard to occupy more than 35 percent of the area. Also, the primary structure must be 3 feet from the street, and 6 feet from the house.