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US, UK and France Embassies Closed in Yemen

As the situation in Yemen degrades, the United States, United Kingdom and France have decided to evacuate and close their Embassies in Sanaa Yemen.

A number of US embassy vehicles were stolen by the Yemen rebels known as Houthis rebels.(See Video Below)

This comes as tensions in the country escalate after the Houthis rebels seized the country of Yemen in a coup outting the current Yemeni President some weeks ago.

The Houthis (Arabic: الحوثيونal-Ḥūthiyyūn), also known as the Ansarallah (أنصار الله Supporters of God), are a Zaidi Shia group operating in Yemen.[13] They are currently the nominal ruling faction in Yemen, having taken control of the Yemeni government in a 2014–15 coup d’état.

The group takes its name from Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, their former commander, who was reportedly killed by Yemeni army forces in September 2004. 

Several other commanders, including Ali al-Qatwani, Abu Haider, Abbas Aidah and Yousuf al-Madani (a son-in-law of Hussein al-Houthi), have also been killed by Yemeni forces. The Houthi brothers’ father, Badreddin al-Houthi, is said to be the spiritual leader of the group.

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About Cynthia Schnepp (875 Articles)
YouTube Personality 'ShantiUniverse', Chief Editor & Columnist of From San Antonio Texas has lived in New York, England, and Las Vegas.