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Scientists Find Evidence of a Parallel Universe

A scientist form California Institute of Technology has discovered signs of a parallel universe using the ESA’s Planck Space Telescope.

The tentative conclusion of an analysis by Ranga-Ram Chary, a researcher at Planck’s US data center in California. Armed with Planck’s painstaking map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – light lingering from the hot, soupy state of the early universe.

Chary revealed an eerie glow that could be due to matter from a neighbouring universe leaking into ours, reports New Scientist.

This sort of collision should be possible, according to modern cosmological theories that suggest the universe we see is just one bubble among many. Such a multiverse may be a consequence of cosmic inflation, the widely accepted idea that the early universe expanded exponentially in the slimmest fraction of a second after the big bang.

Once it starts, inflation never quite stops, so a multitude of universes becomes nearly inevitable.

“I would say most versions of inflation in fact lead to eternal inflation, producing a number of pocket universes,”

says Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an architect of the theory.

The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the Universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them.

The various universes within the multiverse are also called “parallel universes” or “alternate universes”.

The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it and the relationships among the various constituent universes, depend on the specific multiverse hypothesis considered. Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, transpersonal psychology, and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy.

In these contexts, parallel universes are also called “alternate universes”, “quantum universes”, “interpenetrating dimensions”, “parallel dimensions”, “parallel worlds”, “alternate realities”, “alternate timelines”, and “dimensional planes”, among other names. The American philosopher and psychologist William James coined the term multiverse in 1895, but in a different context.

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About Cynthia Schnepp (899 Articles)
YouTube Personality 'ShantiUniverse', Chief Editor & Columnist of From San Antonio Texas has lived in New York, England, and Las Vegas.
  • Andrew Church

    ?????? “inflation… in the slimmest fraction of a second after the Big Bang” ?????

    I am hoping to get scientists and science reporting to be consistent in putting inflation before the Big Bang. I think Alan Guth and Max Teg Mark have both made this point, certainly Max has at world science u. I see inflation as a great fit to all we see in our Big Bang (should we call it theory?), but remember, as Lawence Krauss pointed out in his lecture at CERN, inflation is unfalsifiable science because it can be modified to explain any universe, same for string theory.

    I just think it’s important there’s some “bed rock” consistency of logic for the public when reporting from the mixing pot of brilliant ideas. And inflation as an explanation of what the bang was in the Big Bang (to pars Alan Guth) seems a biggie!! (Aussie vernacular for important) .

    The metaphor in the public domain of a Big Bang will always be problematic, and not just the beginning of the universe, which was very small, Max Tegmark suggests about apple size when inflation stopped, and of course there was no “bang”. NOW we have the biggest structures we can observe, galaxies, the distance between the most distant increasing greater than the speed of light, and accelerating. That’s bigger and faster that any human could imagine.

    So is the universe we live in now a better fit for a huge explosion metaphor ? Or do we kill that with the law of very big numbers. Example, 10^(10^23) times a billion still equals the same number as 10^23 + 9 is still almost exactly 10^23. So could the size of the universe triple (just 9^0.5) every second and no one notice? Well of course not, but it could mean the expansion of the universe we detect is less significant that we imagine Or do I have that arse about?

    • Andrew Church

      Re Theory comment. Should cosmologists be more careful claiming things to be a “theory”, so that scientists are consistent when they argue the public doesn’t understand the scientific use of the word theory in rebuttal to creationist’s claims that evolution is “just a theory”.
      As Richard Dawkins points out, evolution is a very easy theory to falsify, just one fossil of the wrong age in the wrong place could do it, I’ll ad that if we had measured the sun’s surface a few thousand degrees hotter (hence much shorter life’d star) would also do it. Though if that had happened, the physicists would’ve rethought - not the geologists and biologists.

      So my question is, when do we call something a theory, my suggestion is, our answer must consider public perception. By public I mean kindergarten to university - on top of all the great out reach stuff that got me interested.

      My time on the planet is almost done, so I muse about anything and everything through the prism of ‘what it does to increase the chances of long term human survival’. This thought I believe needs to be in everyone at the meta level, or somewhere in our consciousness. But this can’t be used for some kind of oneness, unity or conscious contrivance of a specific outcome. No one can know what long term survival looks like, but it’s unlikely to be that.

    • Andrew Church

      The furthest we can see is in the order of 10^10 light years, and the estimated diameter of universe is 10^11 light years. With the distance between furthest galaxies increasing at light speed, it will take around 100 billion years for our universe to double.