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Amazing 15th Century Map Reveals Mermaids & Giants in the Americas

The New World for 16th century Europeans held many new and exciting explorations abroad, including monsters, sea serpents and even giants, according to a 16th century map recently revealed. 

A map made in 1562 by grand chartmaker Diego Gutiérrez and Dutch engraver Hieronymous Cock shows the extraordinary views of the time, revealing a description of the Americas that combines fact with folklore and propaganda.

It was known that advanced indigenous civilizations inhabited these regions, but it’s thought that the people of Europe instead preferred to see ‘another world’ unlike their own, giving rise to legends of ‘wild people and dangers, like nature itself.’

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About Cynthia Schnepp (899 Articles)
YouTube Personality 'ShantiUniverse', Chief Editor & Columnist of From San Antonio Texas has lived in New York, England, and Las Vegas.