Experts Warn Supervolcano in Italy May Erupt Soon VIDEO

Experts revel in a new study that the Super Volcano in Italy, known as Campi Flegrei may errupt soon causing world wide devastation.
The Phlegraean Fields are a large volcanic area situated to the west of Naples, Italy. It was declared a regional park in 2003. Lying mostly underwater, the area of the caldera consists of 24 craters and volcanic edifices. Hydrothermal activity can be observed at Lucrino, Agnano and the town of Pozzuoli. There are also effusive gaseous manifestations in the Solfatara crater, the mythological home of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan. This area is monitored by the Vesuvius Observatory.
The area also features bradyseismic phenomena, which are most evident at the Macellum of Pozzuoli (misidentified as a temple of Serapis), as geologists puzzled over bands of boreholes left by marine molluscs on marble columns, showing that the level of the site in relation to sea level had varied.
The volcano hasn’t erupted since 1538, experts warn that a build up has been occurring for a long time.