Qurans Found Dumped in a Toilet in Texas

A student made the discovery at the University of Texas, police are saying its a “Shock and Unusual.”
The student first snapped some photos and alerted the school and police in what they are calling an anti-Muslim act, reports NBCDFW News.
“It’s definitely saddening and a little disturbing as well,” said Syed, who is the President of the UT Dallas Muslim Student Association. “It’s something that we do not expect to happen, especially at this campus.”
“You know, while there is a little voice of hate, there is an overwhelming voice of love and support [here] and we definitely appreciate that,” said Syed. “And I’m very happy to say I’m a student, a Comet, over here at UTD.”
UT Dallas Police say they are reviewing surveillance video from inside the Student Union building.
In recent years we have seen an uptick in radical Islam attacks here in the US and abroad assaulting Western nations on a weekly basis. The most recent attacks include a car and stabbing attack in London, a refugee running down shoppers in Stockholm Sweden killing an 11 year old deaf Swedish girl and two bombings of Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt killing around 50 people. Rape by Muslim refugees has sky rocketed leaving many citizens in Europe afraid to go to the beach, local swimming pools or some living near ‘No Go Zones’ afraid to leave their homes during certaih times of the day.
People like Tommy Robinson have been leading the way in calling for people to open their eyes to what is happening around us, which some would describe as an attack on western civilization.