New Inspire ‘Jihadi’ Magazine Calls for Attacks on Schools

The Jihadist Inspire magazine issued on June 11th calls for open attacks on western schools.
The latest edition calls on Jihadi’s in Europe and else where in the western world to organize attacks on our most vunerable, our children. This after a season of Ramadan concludes as the bloodiest season so far.
The reaction after the Manchester attacks in England that left several children dead and maimed at an Ariana Grande concert this summer.
Sheer terror and fear as our children are the latest in the cross hairs of this barbaric ideology.
Now, they are calling for more attacks worldwide on children, justifying their actions siting that their Prophet and god Allah has deemed this halal or clean because we are the infidels and must submit or die.
In addition, they also call on more quieter attacks in Europe like renting an apartment and listing it for rent and as people come by to tour the property for rent, they slit their throats and hide the bodies. This is interesting and terrifying as it seems this is motivated purely for high body count numbers and does not require the Jihadist martyring themselves.
It also praises the recent attacks in Europe and throughout the Middle East, painting the dead Jihadists as celebrities.
Inspire is an English language online magazine reported to be published by the organization al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The magazine is one of the many ways AQAP uses the Internet to reach its audience.
Numerous international and domestic extremists motivated by radical interpretations of Islam have been influenced by the magazine and, in some cases, reportedly used its bomb-making instructions in their attempts to carry out attacks. The magazine is an important brand-building tool, not just of AQAP, but of all al-Qaeda branches, franchises and affiliates.
While some do not believe Inspire alone is enough to radicalize an individual, its aim is to inform and persuade a committed audience by distributing internal communications called “auto-propaganda” to strengthen morale, reduce dissent, or justify and legitimize an attack or controversial doctrine. It was also used to target an uncommitted audience to eventually win sympathy and support. Therefore, AQAP has the ability to represent themselves and their actions exactly as they wish.
The controlled message is unfettered from the scrutiny of the local and international media.
Inspire promotes “open source jihad”. This shifts away from al-Qaeda’s traditional terrorist attacks to simple attacks by individuals using common items for weapons. The Summer 2010 issue advised making a pressure cooker bomb using everyday materials (“How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom”).
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