Rare Mayan Tomb Found with Egyptian Style Burial in Belize

A rare tomb uncovered belonging to a mysterious Mayan ruler has burial similarties to Egyptian style burials.
Archaeologists have uncovered what may be the largest royal tomb found in more than a century of work on Maya ruins in Belize, along with a puzzling set of hieroglyphic panels that provide clues to a “snake dynasty” that conquered many of its neighbors some 1,300 years ago.
The Maya civilisation spread across what is now Belize around 1500 BC, and flourished there until about 900 AD. The recorded history of the middle and southern regions is dominated by Caracol, an urban political centre that may have supported over 140,000 people.North of the Maya Mountains, the most important political centre wasLamanai. In the late Classic Era of Maya civilisation (600–1000 AD), as many as 1 million people may have lived in the area that is now Belize.
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