Watch Colima Volcano in Mexico Erupt VIDEO

A webcam caught this amazing eruption of the Colima volcano in Mexico on January 21, 2014 at 9:13 am local time.
A YouTube user named R U READY? uploaded this awesome video showing the moment the volcano went pyroclastic in real time.
The Volcán de Colima, also known as Volcán de Fuego is part of the Colima Volcanic Complex (CVC) consisting of Volcán de Colima, Nevado de Colima and the eroded “El Cantaro” (listed as extinct). It is the younger of the three and is currently one of the most active volcanos in Mexico and in North America.
Horse shaped UFO Over Colima Volcano VIDEO
It has erupted more than 40 times since 1576. One of the largest eruptions was on January 20–24, 1913. Nevado de Colima, also known as Tzapotépetl, lies 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) north its more active neighbor and is the taller of the two at 4,271+ meters (14,015+ ft). It is the 26th most prominent peak in North America.
Watch the Video!
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