Breaking: Hillary Clinton Faints and Stumbles Before 911 Ceremony VIDEO

This morning, in what appears to be a cell phone video, Hillary Clinton is seen weak and being held up by Secret Service Agents and helped into a Van.
MSM is claiming this newest health episode of Hillary Clinton is caused by heat, as she faints and stumbles into a Van after leaving her daughters apartment in New York City before going to a September 11th Ceremony. In the video, she can be seen not looking well, and held up by service agents as she is put into a van. You can see she stumbles off the sidewalk and almost falls. Eyewitnesses say she also lost a shoe.
People nearby say that service agents pushed back the MSM cameras and were telling them not to film. This lends more evidence of her campaign trying to cover up her true health condition, which is a cause of concern because the role of President of the United States is very taxing on anyone’s heath. Her campaign tries to deflect and scrutinize Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump’s heath issues, but no reasons for any health concerns as he appears time and time again to be in great health and people close to Trump’s campaign say he runs a rigorous schedule that keeps staffers half his age on there toes.
This newest health blow comes just a week after she had 2 severe coughing fits while on stage at a rally and then again on her campaign plane. Her coughing fits lasted over 2 minutes long. Her campaign is quick to react saying it was due to allergies or this most recent episode was due to the heat, but a quick review of the local temperature says the low for NYC was 63 degrees, and this “heat faint” was early in the morning leaving it safe to assume it was most likely around 70 degrees at the time.
Will this health episode effect her campaign?
Watch the Video:
Video clearly shows Hillary stumbled and fainted. Why is the media covering this up?
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 11, 2016